
We supply you with your own personal link to the store to drive traffic. If anyone goes to the store through your link and buys something, you will receive 5% on whatever they buy. We review your activity every 30 days after you have received your personal link (it could be less than 30 days depending on the amount of activity we see coming from you). Activity includes sales and traffic driven to the store. Once we see you are representing the brand and consistently making an effort get the word out, we will look to move you up the next level.

We put your bio on our website with links to all your social media pages. Based on your productivity (ie traffic and sales generated), you will be rewarded with store products and merchandise. You will then be required to take pics in the products and post them on your social media pages while promoting the store through your personal link. You will receive up to 10% commission on every sale you generate for the store. You are also required to make periodic posts on your social media sites as to the promotions, sales and any discounts we may have going on in a particular week or month (This information will be disseminated every Monday). This stage can also include a monthly store stipend as well as representing the company at local and national shows.
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Everything involved in Ambassador including: We set you up with a monthly store allowance for you to purchase whatever you like. We give you a discount code for all your purchases that exceed your monthly allowance. Also, partial to full re-imbursement for show competitions, booth representation at shows if you aren't competing and if you don't have one already, we will have our web designer look to create your own website that you can then use to promote yourself as well as our company.